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为了表明农户庭园在户级水平上对农业生物多样性保护的作用,在内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗采用随机抽样和农户推荐选择20个农户,同时在邻近地区的汉族地区选择10个农户作为对比分析。在此基础上对其家庭庭园采用典型取样法设立30个样方进行调查。结果表明:巴首嘎查庭园植物有100种、哈日乌苏种畜场共有84种、公济号村有87种,包括栽培及野生蔬菜、水果、观赏、药用、饲用等植物。三个村庄庭园植物物种丰富度分析比较发现巴首嘎查的物种丰富度相对最高,而哈日乌苏种畜场的相对最低,反映巴首村对庭园物种多样性保护的贡献相对最大。这些差异是由于自然条件、庭园面积、庭园历史、庭园管理条件及庭园管理者、当地农牧民对庭园植物的传统知识和文化的认识的差异所造成。文末还对调查的三个村庄的庭园植物进行了初步编目。  相似文献   
Pollinator‐mediated selection toward larger and abundant flowers is common in naturally pollen‐limited populations. However, floral antagonists may counteract this effect, maintaining smaller‐ and few‐flowered individuals within populations. We quantified pollinator and antagonist visit rates and determined a multiplicative female fitness component from attacked and non‐attacked flowers of the Brazilian hummingbird‐pollinated shrub Collaea cipoensis to determine the selective effects of pollinators and floral antagonists on flower size and number. We predicted that floral antagonists reduce the female fitness component and thus exert negative selective pressures on flower size and number, counteracting the positive effects of pollinators. Pollinators, mainly hummingbirds, comprised 4% of total floral visitation, whereas antagonist ants and bees accounted for 90% of visitation. Nectar‐robbers involved about 99% of floral antagonist visit rates, whereas florivores comprised the remaining 1%. Larger and abundant flowers increased both pollinator and antagonist visit rates and the female fitness component significantly decreased in flowers attacked by nectar‐robbers and florivores in comparison to non‐attacked flowers. We detected that pollinators favored larger‐ and many‐flowered individuals, whereas floral antagonists exerted negative selection on flower size and number. This study confirms that floral antagonists reduce female plant fitness and this pattern directly exerts negative selective pressures on flower size and number, counteracting pollinator‐mediated selection on floral attractiveness traits.  相似文献   
额济纳旗生态系统服务恢复价值评估方法的比较与应用   总被引:47,自引:10,他引:37  
条件价值评估法是国际上衡量环境物品非利用经济价值的主要方法之一,其调查的问卷格式主要有开放式和封闭式两种类型。以黑河流域额济纳旗生态系统恢复为研究对象,在投标卡格式调查的基础上,以开放式、封闭式(单边界和双边界两分式)的问卷格式各设计了500份调查问卷,调查分析了黑河流域居民对额济纳旗生态系统服务恢复的支付意愿。分析结果表明,采用不同类型的调查方法得到的结论有较大差异,其中:开放式问卷的调查结果与投标卡式问卷的分析结果相差不大;封闭式问卷格式的调查结果是开放式问卷调查结果的3~4倍;同时,双边界两分式问卷比单边界两分式问卷更能逼近参与者的真实支付意愿。在综合比较多种不同的调查方法的基础上,认为以双边界两分式的评估结果作为额济纳旗生态系统服务恢复的总经济价值比较合适。因此,仅就黑河流域居民来说,用20a的时间将额济纳旗的生态系统恢复到20世纪80年代初的水平,其总经济价值的现值为3.674×108元。最后,讨论了条件价值评估的各种方法,并指出了今后研究中需加强的方面。  相似文献   
应用1986年到1992年固定沙丘样方调查数据和同期降水量资料,对科尔沁沙地物种多样性与年降水量的变化进行了分析。结果表明植物种丰富度以对降水量变化的反响比较强烈,一个干旱年份可减少固定沙丘植物种丰富度,而随后的恢复却需要3年友上的时间。物种多样性指数随降水量变化而变化,二者呈正相关。灰色关联分析表明,物种多样性指数D对降水量变化的反响来看,生长期降水量对物种多样性的影响大于年降水。在固定沙丘植被  相似文献   
In order to show the function of agricultural protection of biodiversity at the level of homegarden, comparative analysis was operated between 20 farmer households through random sampling and farmers recommended in Horqin Left Wing Real Banner Tongliao city Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and 10 farmer households of the Han nationality in the neighborhood. Thirty sampling plots of homegardens are investigated. The result indicates there are 100 homegarden plants in Bashou village, 84 in Hariwusu livestock farm, and 87 in Gongjihao village. It involves the cultivated and wild vegetables, fruits, and plants used for ornamental, medicine and forage. The comparative analysis of species richness demonstrates, among these villages the species richness of Bashou village is highest, while Hariwusu livestock farm is lowest. The former village contributes greatly to the conservation of plant biodiversity. These differences result from their respectively different natural conditions, homegarden areas, homegarden history, homegarden management conditions, traditional knowledge and culture understanding of homegarden manager, local farmers and herdsmen on homegarden plants.The homegarden plants from the three investigated villages are cataloged preliminary in the end of the paper.  相似文献   
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